Monday, 6 February 2017

NEW ZEALAND App Development: How to use TWITTER: 15 ADVICE (Part I)

How to use TWITTER: 15 ADVICE (Part I)
15 tips to use twitter at a professional level:
1.       Guide the description of your profile to your goals in each moment. If you go to an international audience, write it down in English.
2.       Do not forget to put contact information (your email or your web) in the description of your profile to facilitate the extension of the contact initiated on Twitter. It is highly recommended to establish NEW ZEALAND App Development a personalized background image with your data and links to other social networks to reinforce this networking (here a link to do it with Photoshop and here general information).
3.       Check out your current network (CRM, LinkedIn ...): check who has a Twitter account and whether they use it professionally or personally. Most likely, you'll want to stick directly to co-workers, partners, NEW ZEALAND Website Development, and customers. Take note of who follows you back quickly: you will probably be active on this platform.
4.       Interact with these accounts by responding to a tweet, doing RT of some interesting content that they publish, etc. According to the answer you can see who is more or less active in the network, NEW ZEALAND SEO, how they guide their use of Twitter and targeting them to deal with them. Again note that follows you back and talks to you in this action and who does not interact: you are interested in concentrating the effort on the first.

5.       Create and use lists, where you group a series of users to read only messages from that group. This is a very interesting initial segmentation: it creates several channels, at least one of friends and family, another for customers, suppliers ... and competition! When creating these lists as private, there is no need to convey more information than necessary. By the way have you seen that you can incorporate in a list to accounts that you do not follow?

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