Friday, 9 December 2016

Tips for social networks

#1. Google +
1. Uses a cover image that measures exactly 1080 x 608px
2. Use a profile image that is 270 x 270px (do not forget that it must be circular)
3. Your Google+ page / profile will have a lot of information to fill out; Make sure you complete it as much as possible
4. The posts published around 9 am onwards in the daily days tend to convert better
5. Label people appropriately when you post on Google+
6. The posts in Google+ worked tend to be longer than Facebook tweets or post
7. According to Google data there are about 350 million active users, so you can not leave this network aside
8. Use Google Hangouts
9. Add Google+ follow and share buttons to your blog or webpage
10. Segment your followers with circles
11. Format your content in Google+ with * asterisks * for bold and _underscores_ for italics
12. If you have a local business you can associate your website with Google My Business, it will give you visibility

#2. Pinterest
13. Make sure App Development Company in Wellington are using the professional account, not your personal account
14. Share pins that have recommended measures
15. Pinea at least 5 times a day
16. Write 1 or 2 keyword phrases in the description for each pin
17. It includes texts in your images (they are repelled three times more)
18. Take advantage of the reports and analytics that give you Pinterest to track your content
19. Categorize your pins on their corresponding planks
20. Use enriched pins
21. Name your images appropriately before uploading them to add SEO benefits
22. Add the "Pinear" button on your page or blog
23. Add the "Follow Me on Pinterest" button on your page or blog
24. Do not cut yourself and directly promote each product Web Development Company in Wellington sell
25. Design a good profile image according to the general image of the company
26. Add categories to your boards
27. Use a relevant name, if possible the name of your own brand if available
28. Add keywords in the "About" section

 #3. LinkedIn
29. Includes the contact information, both for company and personal profile
30. Update your profile regularly
31. Participate in groups
32. Publish your new content always in Linkedin (blog post, videos or presentations of Slideshare)

33. Add a video to SEO Company in Wellington Linkedin profile

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