Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Landing page: essential tips to optimize them to the maximum

To landing pages we arrive through an announcement, a record, a download ... And it is a landing page that welcomes you making your browsing experience much more attractive and simple.
Therefore, this tool is today an essential tool in marketing and helps a lot to convert visits to customers.
In a landing page all the elements must converge towards the same objective, which generally focuses on:

• Generate a sale
• Capture a lead
• Perform a download.
 Tips to optimize your landing pages

#5. Focus on adding value to your product for the customer
One of the most common purposes of a landing page is to accumulate more leads, but do not focus on your business, focus on how to help the visitor, or more specifically, what your offer can help the visitor.
The visitor is not interested in what you offer but what you can do for him / her what you offer.

# 6. Optimize your call-to-action button
The call to action button is the cornerstone of your landing page. It is what the user will visually look for to carry out the action. Therefore, it is essential that your button is clearly visible and in the part of the page visible (without scrolling).
When it comes to call-to-action buttons, you can never miss the opportunity to test what works more or less. Create several landing pages where you change the call to action button and check which of the two pages users click the most.
 For example, if you are selling a camera do not put the button "Buy now" if not "Start taking pictures NOW".

# 7. Optimize your own design
The design should show the best aspect of your product, but without being too "obvious" that you are trying to sell. Follow, for example, the same color palette, do not add too many images or videos and do not overdo the directional signs. With landing pages, less is more. Try to include as few extra elements as possible, but make sure that all elements of the page generally contribute to the initial purpose.
The less you put the more clear your message

# 8. Test test test
Remember when we said that testing was the best strategy to increase conversion ratios? Before you implement changes based on any of the above tips, perform an A / B test to see if these factors really influence the conversion of your brand landing page. At the very least, test two different versions of a landing page to see how different changes affect your numbers.

# 9. Add elements that inspire confidence
If it is already difficult to request personal information from the user, it is very important that he feels safe when he is going to give us our data. The potential customer will not trust us blindly from the first moment, but we have to make him feel comfortable and secure by giving us his personal information.

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