Monday, 12 December 2016

App Development Company in Juárez analysis the competition

Whether you start with your company in Social Media or you already have a consolidated image in the middle, we can never lose sight of our competitors. Analyzing what our competitors do not only serves to see if they grow more or less and how they are doing, but if (if they are doing well) can give us positive clues that we can then apply to our own company.

The first thing we should do before we start investigating is to ask ourselves who our competition is (we sure have).

The competing companies are those that operate within the same sector in which your company moves. It is that App DevelopmentCompany in Juárez that "you eat" niche market and customers that could serve you. When we talk about competition we differentiate between two types:

• Direct competition, which move in the same market and offer the same service as you or sell the same product (Galletas Lu and Biscuits Cuétara)
• Indirect competition, which move in the same sector as us but sell a different product (Go to the movies and go to skate)

Do you know who your competitors are? Well, then it is time to analyze what they are doing. For this, we must look at different aspects:

• Your range of products or services
• Price strategy
• Number of employees and resources
• Keywords they position themselves: if they are too competitive, look for alternatives that make your keywords unique keywords.
• Brand image
• Communication tone
• Social networks where they are active, tone of communication, number of followers and followed, number of daily updates ... And at this point is where we will pay special attention in this post.

Today the Internet and social networks are aspects where much of the brand image of a company is forged.

Web Development Company in Juárez expect the brand to communicate with them so that there is communication between the two parties. Doing good work on social networks can cause them to buy you or, on the contrary, go with the competition because "they served better."

For this to happen, it is important to use monitoring tools and analysis of social networks, both the own and the competition. These are the three we have chosen:

Three tools for analyzing the competition
#1. Fanpage Karma
This tool can be used if you want to analyze your accounts and those of your competitors from Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest, although "your specialty" are Facebook pages.
The free plan offers a detailed analysis of the last 90 days of your accounts, as well as comparative data with the competitors of your choice. If you wish, with this plan you can even receive weekly reports and even alerts, if you choose.

The free plan analysis compares performance, growth, most commonly used content, fans, interaction retweets, frequency of posting, engagement by day and time ...
A more detailed analysis (of the free version also) focuses on keywords and content, article extension, success according to the type of post, influencers ... It shows in a table with different colors.

If, for example, you want to export the reports in Excel or analyze the Facebook statistics more comprehensively, you have to upgrade to the paid version. The same if you would like to access the analyzes of other social networks. The most economical payment version is € 49.90 per month and includes Excel reports, instant alerts, Facebook statistics analysis and data export to Excel (apart from basic level). If you want, you can know more about the price programs they offer.

The Fanpage Karma interface instantly displays slides and graphics, allowing you to quickly get an overview of where to check the strength or weakness of your page.

#2. LikeAlyzer
LikeAlyzer is like the doctor of your Facebook page, the one in charge to tell you how your health is. It is widely used because you can check how your competitors' pages are without using Facebook Insights.

Although it does not feature a dashboard like Fanpage SEO Company in Juárez, LikeAlyzer allows you to easily share results on social networks, make screenshots of content and even import multiple analytics.

This tool scores the page from 1 to 100 according to its own algorithm, as well as a ranking of the page within the industry itself and similar brands.

It will also include metrics including "I like", growth and "People talking about this". Each of the metrics is accompanied by a tick in green or a red arrow, indicating whether the metric is strong or unsatisfactory. It also gives you suggestions of things you can improve and focus on.

This tool is excellent for making a quick check of both your page and those of competitors.

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